The Lomond is in essence a curved Linlithgow. Like many of our products it began as a one-off commission that has been through multiple design iterations. In terms of it’s making, we apply a combination of curved and straight stair techniques and we particularly enjoy the bold and characterful nature of this piece.


Curved floating oak stair centrepiece with curved glass in green oak framed modern home.
Birds eye view of feature curved oak stair centrepiece with curved glass and curved oak handrail.
Oak end grain capping piece of curved feature staircaes with curved glass and white central stringer.
Reflection of curved oak stair centrepiece in mirror in by oak framed home.
Side view of feature curved oak staircase centrepiece with curved glass in green oak framed home.
Looking downwards view of curved oak stair centrepiece with curved oak handrail and curved glass.
Top view of curved oak stair centrepiece with curved glass in green oak framed, modern home.
Curved oak staircase centrepiece with curved glass in green oak framed, modern home.

Lomond Details.

Materials. Scottish or European Hardwoods

Balustrades. Glass, Metal or Timber

Finishes. Multiple


All of our staircase products are available for full supply and fit, or on a supply-only basis. Supply-only staircases include site survey, design drawings, delivery, and a full set of fitting instructions for builders and site joiners.

Interested in Lomond?